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Photos from Gwynedd - Page 3

The images listed here are all taken from the walks featured on this website.

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Images from the Walks
119306The walk between Y Llethr and Diffwys provides superb views
119307View of Y Llethr from Diffwys
119308Diffwys has a pleasant summit with good views
119309Pont Scethin lies below Diffwys
119401Typical rock and heather on the lower slopes of Rhinog Fawr
119402Path to Bwlch Drws-Ardudwy & Rhinog Fach
119403Rhinog Fach from Maes-y-garnedd Farm, Cwm Nantcol
119404Cwm Nantcol on the approach from the main coast road
120401Steep ascent from Minffordd to Cadair Idris
120402Your first sight of Cwm Cau takes your breath away
120403Dramatic south ridge from Craig Cwm Amarch
120404View of Cwm Cau from descent from Mynydd Moel
120405View of Tarren Mountains from Cadair Idris
121501Start of Heather Terrace, Tryfan
121502The Heather Terrace climbs steadily offering superb views
121503South peak of Tryfan
121504Climbers arriving on Tryfan's summit
121505Tryfan's most sure-footed visitors are its Feral Goats
121506Gullies on Tryfan's east face
121507Tryfan's summit is rarely empty
121508Descent from Bwlch Tryfan to Ogwen Cottage
121509Feral goats below Bwlch Tryfan
121601Cloud rolls in across Bwlch Ciliau, Lliwedd Bach
121602The summit of Y Lliwedd is a grand vantage point
121603Yr Aran offers a grand view to Snowdon
121604Crib Goch seen from near the summit of Snowdon
121605Marker stone at top of Pyg Track, Bwlch Glas
121606Y Lliwedd is an attractive peak
125501The dramatic pinnacles of Craig Cywarch & Glasgwm
125502A view south down Cwm Cywarch early in the ascent of Glasgwm
125503Aran Fawddwy, Drysgol, Craig Cywarch & Gwaun y
125504The southern Arenigs from the summit of Glasgwm
125505The tiny Llyn Bach just north of Glasgwm's summit
125506Plank path bridging the bogs between Glasgwm & Aran Fawddwy
125507Looking down to Creiglyn Dyfi from Aran Fawddwy
125508Approaching Aran Benllyn along the high ridge
125509Looking north to Lake Bala from Aran Benllyn
125510Aran Fawddwy towering over Creiglyn Dyfi
125511View to Aran ridge & slopes of Foel Hafod-Fynydd
125512Descent path on hillside above Hengwm
130901Looking towards Tarren y Gesail
131501Bera Bach
131502Bera Bach and Garnedd Uchaf from Gyrn Wigau
131503Bera Mawr, Bera Bach and Foel Fras from Drosgl
131504Carnedd Dafydd and the Black Ladders
131505Carnedd Llewelyn and Cwm Caseg from Gyrn Wigau
131506Nant Ffrancon and Atlantic Slab
140001Cwm Cywarch - the start of walks onto the Aran ridge
140002Cwm Llwydd from Aran Benllyn
140003Lake Bala from ran Benllyn
140004Memorial Cairn and Geocache - Drws Bach (Arans)
140005Pen yr Allt uchaf from Drws Bach
140006Aran Fawddwy and Creiglyn Dyfi
141801Pyg Track from Pen-y-Pass to Bwlch Moch
141802Glaslyn with Snowdon in cloud
141803The Pyg Track approaching Bwlch Glas
141804Llyn Llydaw on descent from Snowdon to Bwlch Ciliau
141805Y Lliwedd summit ridge, looking towards the Moelwyns
141806Y Lliwedd, Glaslyn & Snowdon
141807Looking down on the causeway at Llyn Llydaw from Bwlch Moch

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