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Walk 1693 - printer friendly version

Grange & Watendlath Walk

Author - Lou Johnson

Length - 7.6 miles / 12.4 km

Ascent - 900 feet / 273 metres

Grade - easy/mod

Start - OS grid reference NY257148
Lat 54.5230180 + Long -3.1494342
Postcode CA12 5XB (approx. location only)

Combining the delights of Borrowdale with the rural charm of Watendlath, this Lake District walk offers some wonderful Lakeland views and relatively easy walking. Route finding is generally easy although there is a steady ascent from Lodore up to Watendlath.

The start is the small car park in Rosthwaite (grid ref. NY257148), which can fill early in good weather. After parking exit the car park and turn right following the Cumbria Way down the lane, bearing right at the first junction to reach the River Derwent, which initially runs parallel to the route on your left. Cross the River at the first bridge (grid ref. NY252150) and continue downstream on the path running parallel to the river on your right.

Stay alongside the river ignoring a path going left and enter pleasant woodland on with Castle Crag rising to your left. The path briefly leaves the river as it meanders north to rejoin the Derwent. The path develops into a track and continues north to reach a junction of tracks (grid ref. NY249170). Bear left here staying on the Cumbria Way passing Hollows Farm to reach another junction (grid ref. NY248175). Bear right here keeping on the Cumbria Way and continue to a tarmac lane. Bear left along the lane before turning right to continue along a track signed 'Cumbria Way'. After 500 metres, bear right onto a path leading towards Lodore. This section of the route provides some good views of Derwentwater before crossing the River Derwent and exiting on the main Borrowdale Road.

Turn left along the road for 100 metres and take the "Entrance to Waterfalls" on your right. At the time of writing there was a small charge to enter these private grounds. There are many paths which can be confusing so a good sense of direction is required. Keep climbing through the woods. Turn left away from the Lodore Falls and then right along the base of a crag. Ignore paths on your left and keep with the stream on your right. Cross a ladder stile over a wall, turn right and cross the footbridge. Turn left and follow the clear path to Watendlath.

Do not cross the packhorse bridge. Instead keep ahead to the shores of Watendlath Tarn. Bear right away from the Tarn and start to climb to Puddingstone Bank. The retrospective views of Watendlath provide an excuse for a brief stop. Continue up to the summit of the path and begin the descent down to Rosthwaite. The path is a little rough in places and continues to a junction (grid ref. NY263155) where you bear left. At the next junction bear right and you are soon back in Rosthwaite.

Walk 1693 Route Map

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