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Trinity to Gorey

Jersey Walk

Country - Jersey

Author - Jersey Tourism

Length - 6.5 miles / 10.6 km    

Ascent - nominal or unknown

Time - 3 hours 20 minutes    Grade - easy/mod

Walk Route Description

Photo from the walk - Trinity to Gorey
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This is a fairly gentle walk along country lanes, which see very little traffic, and most walkers will need to allow around four hours to complete the route. The start is Trinity Church, which can be reached by bus route 4 from St Helier.

Cross the road from the Church to La Rue du Mont Pellier. Carry on walking until you reach the end of the meadow. Note the bank of wild strawberries near the granite arch at Mont Pellier House. At the bottom, turn left up La Ruelle Bisches, a footpath which skirts a working farm. At the end, turn left and follow the lane until you reach La Rue des Cateaux on the right. Follow this road, turning right into La Rue des Camps Rault, which meanders gently downhill before becoming La Verte Rue.

Carry on and turn left into La Rue de la Guillaumerie (if you carry on to Victoria Village you can buy refreshments from the village shop or pay a visit to the Orchid Foundation). Follow the tree-lined lane until it reaches La Rue du Pont. Notice the large silo on the dairy farm on the left hand side. At the end of this lane turn right and walk along the main road. Turn left down La Rue du Sacrement. Follow this lane - which becomes La Rue des Cabarettes - then go straight along La Rue du Carrefour. Turn right at Le Hucquet House onto La Rue de la Mare des Reines, which finishes at the Catholic church and a small shop. Cross the main road onto La Longue Rue.

Continue down the road and into La Rue de I'Orme. At the end of this lane take the left hand turning - La Rue de Beauvelande. This is another quiet Green Lane, the only minor disturbance being the odd tractor! At the end of this sloping lane turn right down La Rue du Bouillon (Soup Road). Pass a pretty granite house and take a right turn into La Rue de la Chouquetterie, walking until you reach the main road. Cross over to the entrance to Queen's Valley Reservoir and follow its gentle paths, leaving the reservoir walk at the gate onto La Rue des Tours Champs. Continue to the bottom of the hill.

At the junction, turn left and walk along Le Chemiri des Maltières past La Cache des Prés. You will see Grouville Marsh and Fort Henry in the distance, built in 1760 to protect islanders from the French. Further along the road, Mont Orgueil looms into view. Carry on to Gorey House and turn into the Jersey Pottery for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. You will have a chance to see the local potters work. The castle is a short distance away, as are the beach and common. For those returning to St Helier then bus route 1 provides a convenient connection.

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