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Photos from Yorkshire Dales - Page 2

The images listed here are all taken from the walks featured on this website.

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Images from the Walks
119605Crosdale Beck tumbles down from the slopes of Arant Haw
119701Lower wooded section of Gunnerside Gill
119702The upper section of Gunnerside Gill looking north
119703Gunnerside Gill looking south & remains of Bunton Mine
119704Swaledale from high-level path contouring Black Hill
119705Great Shunner Fell & fields of Kisdon Hill
120801Col between Simon Fell & Ingleborough
120802Superb view from Ingleborough's summit
120803Ingleborough's summit & wind shelter
120804Pen-y-ghent from Colt Park Farm, Ribblesdale
120805Ribblehead Viaduct is a massive structure
120806Lacking a distinctive shape, Whernside is still an impressive mountain
123901Janet's Foss is a waterfall in Gordale, Malham
123902Gordale Scar is a well known landmark near Malham
123903Malham Cove is an impressive feature
123904Limestone pavement on top of Malham Cove
123905Watlowes is a dry valley north of Malham Cove
123906Watlowes dry valley leading north to Malham Tarn
123907Limestone pavement west of Watlowes valley
123908Malham Cove seen from the west flank
123909Walled lane in Yorkshire, Malham
124801Clapdale Wood is a pleasant start to a climb of Ingleborough
124802The path to Ingleborough follows Clapham Beck to Trow Gill
124803Trow Gill is a narrow valley formed from a collapsed cave
124804Trow Gill leads to the first view of Ingleborough
124805The entrance to Gaping Gill is quite dramatic
124806View south from Ingleborough's summit to Little Ingleborough
124807In clear weather Ingleborough is a superb viewpoint
124808Descending from Ingleborough to Horton in Ribblesdale
124809Derelict shooting hut on Ingleborough to Horton path
124810Ingleborough has extensive limestone pavements
124811Ingleborough from Long Scar descending to Clapham
124812Clapdale Farm seen from Long Lane near Clapham
124901Wooden bridge over Wharfe, Bolton Abbey
124902Posforth Gill has many waterfalls, Valley of Desolation
124903Posforth Gill leads up to the 'Valley of Desolation'
124904Ascent of Simon's Seat from Cavendish Pavillion
124905Simon's Seat on the edge of Barden Fell
124906Simon's Seat offers views to Wharfedale
124907Lord's Seat is similar to Simon's Seat
124908Lord's Seat lies east of Simon's Seat
124909Path from Simon's Seat to Dalehead Farm
124910Howgill Lane was once an important route
124911Stepping stones across the River Wharfe
124912River Wharfe above Barden Bridge
125001Kettlewell in Wharfedale is the start for many walks
125002Providence Pot lies in the bed of Dowber Gill Beck
125003Dowber Gill Beck, Great Whernside
125004Providence Lead Mine above Dowber Gill Beck
125005Hag Dyke was once a farm but today is a Scout centre
125006View from Great Whernside includes Yorkshire's Big Three
125007Route north from Great Whernside to Nidd Head
125008Looking south down Wharfedale from Cam Head
125009Descent from Cam Head to Kettlewell, Top Mere Road
125010Top Mere Road descends into Wharfedale
125011Firth Fell & Wharfedale view, Top Mere Road
125012Limestone scenery abounds near Kettlewell
125101Norber Erratics are located close to Austwick
125102Limestone crags of Robin Proctor's Scar from Thwaite Lane
125103Thwaite Lane between Austwick & Clapham

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